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Scholarships For South Africans Abroad

Launch Your Global Education: Scholarships for South Africans to Study Abroad

For ambitious South African students, studying abroad presents an exciting opportunity to broaden horizons, gain new perspectives, and acquire world-class qualifications. But the cost of international education can be a hurdle. The good news is, numerous scholarships are available to help bridge the financial gap and make your dream of overseas study a reality.

National Funding Resources:

  • Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET): The DHET acts as a central hub for scholarship opportunities https://www.internationalscholarships.dhet.gov.za/. Explore their website to discover scholarships funded by the South African government and international partners, covering various study destinations and academic fields.

International Scholarship Options:

  • Country-Specific Scholarships: Many countries offer scholarships specifically for South African students. Look for scholarships provided by embassies, high commissions, and educational institutions in your target study abroad destination. Research opportunities in countries like Sweden (The Swedish Institute), Germany (DAAD), and Ireland (University College Dublin) that are known for their scholarship programs for international students.

  • Development-Focused Scholarships: If your studies align with sustainable development goals, explore scholarships like the Allan & Nesta Ferguson Global Development Scholarships or the JFUNU Scholarships for MSc in Sustainability Programme. These programs support students from developing countries pursuing studies relevant to global challenges.

  • Merit-Based Scholarships: Several universities worldwide offer scholarships based on academic excellence. Research scholarships offered by your chosen universities and ensure you meet their eligibility criteria.


Remember, scholarships often cover more than just tuition fees. Look for scholarships that provide stipends for living expenses, health insurance, and travel costs.

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