Fully Funded Masters Scholarship In Saudi Arabia

Pursue Your Master’s Degree in Saudi Arabia with a Fully Funded Scholarship

Saudi Arabia is increasingly becoming a hub for international education, offering excellent universities and exciting scholarship opportunities. If you’re an ambitious student seeking a fully funded Master’s degree, Saudi Arabia could be the perfect destination for you.

Prestigious Programs and Generous Support

Several universities in Saudi Arabia provide scholarships that cover the entirety of your tuition fees. These scholarships often extend to living expenses, health insurance, and even airfare. This allows you to focus entirely on your studies and academic pursuits without financial worries.

Top Universities, Top Opportunities

Some of the leading universities offering fully funded Master’s scholarships in Saudi Arabia include:

  • King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST): KAUST is a world-renowned university known for its research and innovation. They offer a competitive scholarship program for Master’s students across various disciplines in science, engineering, and life sciences.
  • King Abdulaziz University (KAU): KAU is a prestigious university with a wide range of Master’s programs. Their scholarship program attracts international students from all over the globe, covering tuition, accommodation, and a monthly stipend.
  • King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM): A leader in science and technology education, KFUPM offers scholarships for Master’s students in engineering, applied sciences, and petroleum geosciences.

Beyond Financial Support

The benefits of these scholarships go beyond financial aid. Many programs provide additional support such as:

  • Mentorship: Gain valuable guidance from experienced faculty members.
  • Research opportunities: Participate in cutting-edge research projects alongside renowned professors.
  • Cultural immersion: Experience Saudi Arabian culture and traditions firsthand.


A fully funded Master’s scholarship in Saudi Arabia presents a remarkable opportunity to gain a top-notch education, expand your knowledge, and experience a new culture. Start your research today and take the first step towards achieving your academic goals!

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