$250,000 For Your African Technology Startup Company – Apply Now

The $250,000 opportunity for African tech startups through the Gen F Entrepreneur in Residence Venture Design Studio represents a powerful catalyst for innovative solutions with transformative potential. This initiative recognizes the immense talent and entrepreneurial spirit brimming within the African continent, providing targeted support and funding to bridge the gap between potential and impact.

For aspiring founders, this program offers a unique blend of financial resources, expert guidance, and community. The 12-week Venture Design Studio provides a valuable space to refine concepts, validate market needs, and develop a concrete roadmap for success. The access to venture builders and specialized assistance empowers teams to tackle critical areas like product development, user experience, and growth strategies.

However, I can provide you with some valuable information and resources to help you get started on your application and potentially secure this funding.

Here’s a breakdown of the key points to consider:

1. About the Opportunity:

  • Program: Gen F Entrepreneur in Residence Venture Design Studio.
  • Investment Amount: $250,000 seed funding.
  • Additional Support:
    • 12-week Venture Design Studio sprint for concept refinement and market validation.
    • One-time budget for experimentation.
    • Collaboration with venture builders for guidance and preparation.
    • Complimentary access to studio services upon funding approval.
    • Specialized assistance in areas like product development, UX/UI, data science, engineering, business development, and growth marketing.


  • Open to individuals with prior startup experience, subject matter experts, corporate professionals seeking entrepreneurship transition, seasoned operators in African startups, and visionary founders addressing significant African challenges.

Focus Areas

  • Startups developing solutions for local challenges across various sectors, potentially including:
    • Education
    • Healthcare
    • Agriculture
    • FinTech
    • Climate Tech
    • Infrastructure
    • Logistics
    • And more

Application Process:

  • Visit the Gen F website or ICTworks website for details and application forms.
  • Be prepared to provide a compelling pitch deck outlining your startup idea, team, market, and traction (if any).
  • Highlight the positive impact your solution will have on communities and address local challenges.



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